SaRenna Lee – SaRenna In The Dressing Room

Category: Big Tits, HD porn, iPhone/Mobile Porn | Date: 16 November 2012

SaRenna In The Dressing Room

SaRenna In The Dressing Room

"Being on tour has made me really fast in the make-up department when I get ready to go out for the evening. All the requirements of being on tour train you to dress and put on your make-up quickly."
"I dress lowkey in public when I'm doing day-to-day things. I tend to dress lowkey, for example, when I go to the supermarket or anyplace where there's families around. When I go out with my bosom buddies, like the ladies [The Tit-ans] in Key Largo, I'll dress showy."

" It has to be the right environment for me to dress showy, definitely. I love rubber, patent leather, high heels, boots and anything fetishy. I love fetish clothes but I don't wear them that often..."

See More of SaRenna Lee at SARENNASWORLD.COM!
