Sweet Sindy – Party Girl

Category: Teen | Date: 28 January 2013

Party Girl

Party Girl

Welcome, Sindy! We love your braces. Tell us a little about yourself.
"Thank you! Well, I love to go out and party and have a good time. I also like to go to festivals and one of my hobbies is doing light shows. That's where you spin lights or fire that are tethered on a string while dancing and stuff. It's also called poi."

That's pretty cool! So you must be an adventurous kind of girl.
"I guess you could say that. I'm not afraid to try new things, and if there's something I want I just go for it. Like the first time I had sex. I wanted to lose my virginity really bad so at this party I pulled aside this hot guy I'd seen at school and told him to meet me in a bedroom. I mean I was a virgin so that was kind of out there. We went up to the room and he popped my cherry, and ever since then I've been hooked on trying new sex things. Another time I was in a tent with two other girls and a guy, and we sure showed him a good time."

Have you ever had sex in public?
"For sure. The best is when you're on the beach and people pass by and see. And some of them will stop and watch! I love to see their reactions when they first realize that there are people fucking nearby. And to be honest, sometimes I'm just so into the sex I don't care if anyone can hear or see me. Once I had sex at a festival where I was doing a light show. I didn't realize I was being so loud until I noticed that lots of people were standing there watching us!"

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