Be True To Your School

Category: Mature | Date: 31 March 2009 This is the kind of thing that happens all the time in our schools today. Actually, it's been happening since there have been hot women teaching horny high school boys. Principal Boyde calls in her student's dad to let him know that his son has been looking up the teacher's skirts. Bad heterosexual boy! Well, it turns out that it's like father, like son in the horniness department because before you know it, Dad is fucking the principal. Lin Boyde, who actually works as a paralegal back home in Tempe, Arizona, plays the principal. She's 57 years old, divorced and says she likes "take-charge men who make romantic gestures, like bringing me a bouquet of flowers." There are no flowers involved here. Just action. And cum. Hey, that's romantic, right? Wrong. Tags: